Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dancing Unicorns

This is just a fun little pastel outfit that i wore to the mall today, Hunters shirt has been sitting in my room waiting to be reunited with its owner but i had to wear it just once. BTW its still super warm here in california so no pants is the way to go!

What im wearing:
top: UNIF "The Unicorns are Horny"
jacket: Urban Outfitters
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell X Wildfox "Ballerina Platforms"
rings: Shuku Newyork/ hot topic
sunnies: Wasteland


  1. so pretty! where'd you get the ballet platforms? :o

    1. thank you! and i pre ordered them in april when they came out! they're a collaboration between jeffrey campbell and wildfox. they have them on the website dollskill and solestruck but theyre sold out right now!!

  2. i love my wildfox X JC shoes so much and you look great in the unif tank.

    1. thank you! i wish it was mine, its a friends tank haha, but can you walk in your ballet platforms?? my feet are too small for mine so i have a little trouble so i rarely wear mine:(
